What are the characteristics of vanadium battery

Long service life of the system: the charging and discharging times of vanadium battery are more than 100000, and the service life is more than 10 years.

Support frequent charge and discharge: vanadium battery supports frequent high current charge and discharge, which can be charged and discharged hundreds of times a day, and will not lead to battery capacity decline.

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Support overcharge and discharge: vanadium battery system supports deep charge and discharge (dod>80%), and deep discharge will not damage the battery.

The charging and discharging speed ratio is 1.5:1: the vanadium battery system can realize rapid charging and discharging and meet the load requirements.

Low self discharge rate: the active substances in the positive and negative electrolyte of vanadium battery are stored in different tanks respectively. In the system shutdown mode, the electrolyte in the oil tank has no self discharge phenomenon.

The system has high efficiency: the cycle efficiency of vanadium battery system can reach 65-80%.

Fast startup speed: the switching time of charging and discharging during the operation of vanadium battery system is less than 1 millisecond.

Flexible design of battery system: the power and capacity of vanadium battery system can be designed independently and configured according to customer needs to realize rapid upgrading.

Low maintenance cost: vanadium battery system realizes automatic operation, low operation cost, long maintenance cycle and simple maintenance.

Environmental protection and no pollution: the vanadium battery system operates in a closed manner at room temperature, which meets the environmental protection requirements and can be completely recycled without any problems.